
Jason Cox
American baritone Jason Cox returns to the ensemble at the Luzerner Theater for the 20/21 season to sing Guglielmo (Così fan tutte), Escamillo (Carmen), & Pandolf (Cendrillon). Other recent roles at Luzerner Theater include the title roles in Don Giovanni, & Eugene Onegin, Jochanaan (Salome), Germont (La Traviata), Ford (Falstastaff), Mahler's Kindertotenlieder, Lord Cecil (MARIA STUARDA), Taddeo (l’italiana in Algeri).
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Jason Cox

American baritone Jason Cox returns to the ensemble at the Luzerner Theater for the 20/21 season, where his engagements include Guglielmo (Così fan tutte), Escamillo (Carmen), & Pandolf (Cendrillon). He also makes his return to Theater Basel in a new production of Messiaen's Saint François d'Assise. Previous roles at Luzerner Theater include the title roles in Don Giovanni, & Eugene Onegin, Jochanaan (Salome), Germont (La Traviata), Ford (Falstaff), Capulet (Romeo et Juliette), baritone soloist in Mahler's Kindertotenlieder, Lord Cecil (MARIA STUARDA), Taddeo (l’italiana in Algeri). Mr. Cox made his European debut at Theater Basel (Switzerland) where he sang Vater (Hänsel und Gretel), Junius (Rape of Lucretia), M6 in the contemporary opera Hölderlin; Eine Expedition by Peter Ruzicka, Sciarrone (Tosca), and Le Chat/L’Horloge Comtoise (L’enfant et les Sortilèges). In 2014-15 he made his German debut with Theater Magdeburg as Don Alfonso (Così fan tutte). Other recent engagements include Ned Keene (Peter Grimes) and Baritone soloist in a scenic realisation of Carmina Burana at Theater Bremen, as well as in the role of The Stranger (Max Brand’s Stormy Interlude), which marked his debut with the Landestheater Salzburg (Austria). Back in the US his credits included Professor Bhaer (Adamo’s Little Woman), Ramiro (Ravel’s L’heure Espagnole), and Don Alfonso (Così fan tutte).

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