
Cody Arthur
(he/him/his) Praised for his “well-timed comic relief” and as an “exceptionally gifted singing actor”, Cody Arthur is establishing a career on stages in a variety of repertoire. As a Young Artist, Cody has performed with companies across the US in roles ranging from the Baroque to the Contemporary repertoire. Equally as comfortable as a strong collaborator, Cody is sought out as a professional chorister as well.
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Cody Arthur

Praised for his “well-timed comic relief” and as an “exceptionally gifted singing actor”, Cody Arthur is establishing a career on stages in a variety of repertoire. As a Young Artist, Cody has performed with companies across the US in roles ranging from the Baroque to the Contemporary repertoire. On the concert stage he has sung with Ars Lyrica, Bach Society of Houston, and River Oaks Chamber Orchestra. Equally as comfortable as a strong collaborator, Cody is sought out as a professional chorister as well. A native of Memphis, Cody currently resides in Houston, TX where he maintains a thriving private teaching studio, and is regularly engaged with local organizations and ensembles.

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