Acclaimed by the San Francisco Chronicle as “an imaginative director of particular ingenuity,” Jennifer Williams is an opera, theater and immersive director whose productions have appeared throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
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Acclaimed by the San Francisco Chronicle as “an imaginative director of particular ingenuity,” Jennifer Williams is an opera, theater and immersive director whose productions have appeared throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
Jennifer Williams
Acclaimed by the San Francisco Chronicle as “an imaginative director of particular ingenuity,” Jennifer Williams is an opera, theater and immersive director whose productions have appeared throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
You are viewing Jennifer Williams’s public profile. To message Jennifer, view contact information, professional endorsements, activity, and more, join Stagetime.
Acclaimed by the San Francisco Chronicle as “an imaginative director of particular ingenuity,” Jennifer Williams is an opera, theater and immersive director whose productions have appeared throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
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Acclaimed by the San Francisco Chronicle as “an imaginative director of particular ingenuity,” Jennifer Williams is an opera, theater and immersive director whose productions have appeared throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
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