
Hayley Lipke
(She/her/hers) Praised for her “fire” and “vocal drama,” Wisconsin native Hayley Lipke is emerging into the opera scene as a “praise-worthy soprano”.
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Hayley Lipke

Praised for her “fire” and “vocal drama,” Wisconsin native Hayley Lipke is emerging into the opera scene as a “praise-worthy soprano”. Lipke received her B.M. and M.M. in Vocal Performance from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University under the tutelage of Jane Dutton and Gary Arvin. There, Hayley gave life to Violetta Valery in Francesca Zambello’s production of La Traviata under the baton of Arthur Fagen with Indiana University Opera Theater. With IUOT she has entertained audiences as Donna Anna (Don Giovanni), Gertrud Mutter (Hänsel und Gretel), Rosalba Montealban (Florencia en al Amazonas), and Gertie Cummins (Oklahoma!). In addition to her love for operatic performance, Lipke is no stranger to the Oratorio repertoire. Praised as an “outstanding soloist”, Hayley has performed as the Soprano Soloist in Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem with IU JSOM under Betsey Burleigh and as the joyful Soprano Soloist of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony with Louisville Orchestra. The soprano has continued to gain recognition in major competitions in the operatic repertoire. Lipke is honoured to be a recipient of the Bel Canto Foundation’s Bella Voce award, The Georgina Joshi International Fellowship, and a Graduate Assistantship at Indiana University. Lipke is equally as excited to be named a winner of the Indianapolis Matinee Musicale at the graduate level, National Society of Arts and Letters in the Indiana Chapter, the MONC Auditions for the Indiana District, and a finalist in the Mildred Miller International Voice Competition.

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