
Rahim Mandal
Known for his vocal power and charismatic presence, American baritone Rahim Mandal hails from Puerto Rico with a diverse background. He received his Bachelor's from Loyola University New Orleans and attended Florida State University for his Master's. Mr. Mandal is currently located in Chicago and studies under David Okerlund.
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Rahim Mandal

Mr. Mandal was a Toledo Opera’s Resident Artist for the 2019-2020 season. Recently, he was seen singing Usciere (Rigoletto) with New Orleans Opera. Other professional engagements include the Big Bad Wolf in Samuel Barber’s Little Red Riding Hood with New Orleans’ MetroPelican Opera Company’s outreach program, Wagner (​Faust) with Natchez Music Festival, Aeneas (Dido and Aeneas) with Teatro Lírico in Havana, Cuba. Mr. Mandal has also been a soloist for many concerts including a benefit concert of Faure’s Requiem. Mr. Mandal holds two degrees in vocal performance, a Bachelor’s from Loyola University New Orleans and a Master's from Florida State University.