
Flute (Bass)
Jennifer Candiotti
(she/her/hers) Jennifer Candiotti is a freelance performer and flute teacher based in Monterey County committed to offering equal access to music for all students. She performs with Monterey County Pops!, Monterey Flute Choir, and other ensembles on the Central Coast. She also teaches at Youth Orchestra Salinas (YOSAL) and runs a private studio, Candiotti Flute Studio.
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Jennifer Candiotti

Jennifer Candiotti is a freelance performer and flute teacher committed to offering equal access to music for all students. She performs regularly with Monterey County Pops!, an organization that provides free public concerts and community outreach initiatives across the county. MCP! offers free musical presentations, side-by-side performances, and sectionals to local schools. Jennifer also teaches flute and music history for Youth Orchestra of Salinas (YOSAL), an intensive after-school music program which provides music education to underserved students in Salinas. When she’s not teaching for YOSAL, she maintains the Candiotti Flute Studio, which offers sliding scale rates in order to serve students of diverse economic backgrounds across Monterey County. Mrs. Candiotti earned her Bachelor of Music degree from the University of North Texas and her Master of Music from Stony Brook University. She has performed in bands, orchestras, and chamber ensembles across the United States as well as in Canada, France, and Italy. As a soloist, Mrs. Candiotti has earned awards at competitions hosted by the Atlanta Flute Club, the Oklahoma Flute Society, the Texas Flute Society, and the Pacific Regional International Summer Music Academy (PRISMA). When she isn’t playing the flute or teaching, Jennifer enjoys painting and spending time with her husband, family, and pets.


