
Jazz Piano
David Mastikosa
David Mastikosa (1992, BiH) is a younger generation Bosnian composer of concert and media music. Since 2015, Mastikosa works as a senior teaching assistant at the Academy of Arts, the University of Banja Luka - Department of Music Theory and Pedagogy. David Mastikosa’s compositions are characterized by unique and distinctive artistic expression.
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David Mastikosa

David Mastikosa (1992, BiH) is a younger generation Bosnian composer. He completed undergraduate and master's studies at the Academy of Arts at the University of Banja Luka. The same Academy elected him a teaching assistant in 2015, and later a senior teaching assistant at the Department of Music Theory and Pedagogy in 2020. David Mastikosa’s compositions are characterized by unique and distinctive artistic expression. He received the award for the best music for contemporary film, awarded by British Council Ukraine in February 2020. In addition to the award presented by the University of Banja Luka for achieved international results, distinguished work, and achievements in scientific and exploratory activities and artistic work, David also won the award of the City of Banja Luka – to the youth for the contribution to the development of the culture of the city. Following the appearance of David Mastikosa’s music in the international circles, he has been receiving commissions from prominent artists and music festivals. His music was performed by artists and ensembles such as Bartolomej Stanković (piano), Stockholm Saxophone Quartet, Ensemble Metamorphosis, Zagreb soloists, Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, Brass UL AG, and others. Mastikosa is the author of over 70 different compositions performed at festivals and events across the world. Mastikosa wrote music for the multiple award-winning documentaries “Lica Lafore”, and “Djeca” by Denis Bojić. His music is exclusively published by Donemus. David an alumnus of the French talent school Académie musicale de Villecroze. 


