
Will Upham
(He/him) Originally from Bedford, Indiana, Will is a second-year graduate student studying Vocal Performance at Southern Methodist University with Professor Clifton Forbis. He recently graduated from DePauw University with a bachelor’s degree in Vocal Performance and a minor in Political Science. Will is a voice teacher of four high school choral students and a Staff Singer at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Dallas, Texas.
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Will Upham

Originally from Bedford, Indiana, Will Upham is a second-year graduate student studying Vocal Performance at Southern Methodist University with Professor Clifton Forbis. He recently graduated from DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana with a bachelor’s degree in Vocal Performance and a minor in Political Science. While there, he studied voice with Professor Caroline Smith. Although Covid-19 put a damper on all things related to live singing, Will has enjoyed moving to a new city, working with a new voice teacher, and even gaining experience as a voice teacher. He has taken advantage of the pandemic by finding success in virtual vocal competitions. In March 2020, Will was honored to be one of the winners of the DePauw University Concerto Competition. Most recently, he was named as a semi-finalist in the American Pops Orchestra’s NextGen: Finding the Voices of Tomorrow Competition and the Orpheus Vocal Competition. Prior to the pandemic, Will performed the role of Il Principe Aprile in Respighi’s "La bella dormente nel bosco" with the DePauw Opera Theatre. In November 2019, he performed the role of Jamie Wellerstein in a concert version of Jason Robert Brown’s "The Last Five Years." Will is looking forward to covering Alfredo in Verdi's "La traviata" with La Musica Lirica. Will currently teaches voice lessons to four high school choir students via Zoom. He is also the current Opera Manager for the SMU Meadows Lyric Theatre and a Staff Singer at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Dallas, Texas.

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