
Jazz Violin
Lucia Lostumbo
(she/her) Lucia Lostumbo is a Philadelphia based violinist who specializes in both teaching and performing. She received her Bachelor of Music degree from Temple University’s Boyer College of Music and Dance in 2018, graduating cum laude. She has studied under Davyd Booth of The Philadelphia Orchestra since 2017, and continues to work with him.
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Lucia Lostumbo

Lucia has been playing violin since the age of seven, and has had numerous performance opportunities since then. Her favorites include playing at the Kennedy Center as part of a collaboration with the Afghanistan National Institute of Music’s orchestra in 2013, being a part of both the opera and symphony orchestras during her time at Temple University, and playing in an opera pit in Sicily for six weeks in 2018. She is an alumna of the American Institute for Musical Studies festival orchestra in Graz, Austria, as well as the Miami Music Festival, National Music Festival, and Brevard Music Center. In 2019 Lucia assumed the position of associate concertmaster for the South Jersey Pops Orchestra. In 2016 Lucia also served as The Philadelphia Orchestra’s personnel intern and spent six months working behind the scenes and learning how to manage and maintain a professional orchestra. Occasionally she still returns to help run auditions for the orchestra and assist both the personnel and production offices. In addition to her many performance experiences, Lucia maintains a busy teaching schedule. She has been giving private lessons since 2012, and currently has students ranging in age from 5 to 65.

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