Jon Marc

Jon Marc Olivier
(He/Him) Jon Marc Olivier is a tenor from Olney, Maryland. He is a student of Peter Volpe's at the IU Jacobs School of Music, where he is pursuing a masters of voice and a certificate in vocology. He earned a bachelor of music from Loyola University New Orleans where he studied with Luretta Bybee and Irini Kyriakidou-Hymel.
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Jon Marc Olivier

Jon Marc Olivier is a student of Professor Peter Volpe at the IU Jacobs School of Music, where he is pursuing a masters of music and certificate in vocology. Jon Marc holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Loyola University New Orleans, where he was privileged to study with Luretta Bybee, Irini Kyriakidou, and Bryan Hymel. He sang in the chorus of the New Orleans Opera Association and was a soloist with the Louisiana Philharmonic. He has been seen on stage at Loyola University New Orleans' Opera Theatre, Northwestern University, and will be seen on the mainstage of Jacobs' production of the Magic Flute in September 2021.


