
Ilya Ram
(He/him) Music Director of the Leipziger Univesitätsorchester and Orchester Benjamin Franklin in Berlin, Ilya hopes to bring his love for other art forms as well as the music of the 20th century into the concert hall, believing that diversity, innovation, and a modern approach to interpretation and programming are key to creating meaningful experiences for both the audience and musicians alike.
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Ilya Ram

Jumping in to conduct a series of Christmas concerts with the Elblandphilharmonie Sachsen to very favorable reviews, Ilya Ram was cited to have “conducted with care, placed great value on high-contrast, well-differentiated music-making, and precision.” 2019/20 saw Ilya as Guest Resident Conductor at the Theater Chemnitz and most recently he was a semi-finalist of the Guido Cantelli competition in Turin which led to an immediate invitation to assist the Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento a week later at the Biennale di Venezia. Ilya is a prize-winner of the 8th Central-German MDR conducting competition. He is also a recipient of several prestigious scholarships including the “Yotzrim” Scholarship for independent artists, AICF “Sharet” Scholarship, the DAAD Scholarship for his studies in Germany, and a two-time bursary student of the Dartington Music Festival. Ilya was amongst the four young conductors to be selected to participate in the first-ever Bayreuther Festspiele masterclass for conductors. Amongst the more prominent orchestras Ilya has conducted are the the Robert-Schumann Philharmonie, Dartington Festival Orchestra, the Gstaad Festival Orchestra, MDR Sinfonieorchester, Südwest Philharmonie Konstanz, Elbland Philharmonie Sachsen and the Brandenburger Symphoniker. Ilya is a graduate (Cum Laude) of the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music in Tel-Aviv in Orchestral Conducting and Musicology and of the Hochschule für Musik “Carl Maria von Weber” in Dresden with a M.Mus in Orchestral Conducting. currently he is taking part in the APT Program at the UdK Berlin.

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