
Ho-Yin Kwok
Described by Classical Voice of North Carolina (CVNC) as an “impressive conductor…outstanding in his attention to detail and his command of the big picture”, Hong Kong-born conductor Ho-Yin Kwok is the winner of 2017-2018 Vincent C. LaGuardia, Jr. Conducting Competition.
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Ho-Yin Kwok

Ho-Yin concurrently serves as artistic director and conductor of the Mississippi Valley Orchestra in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, assistant conductor of the Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra, and director of the Duluth Superior Youth Symphony. Ho-Yin has previously served as visiting director of orchestra at the University of Minnesota Duluth and has been adjudicator for competitions such as the Minnesota Orchestra Young People's Symphony Concert Association’s Concerto Competition. Prior to that, he was assistant conductor of the Collegium Musicum Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University Symphony Orchestra. Their numerous international tours included concerts in New York’s Carnegie Hall, Europe, and Southern China. Other conducting positions included conductor of Sacred Heart Canossian College Orchestra and St. Stephen’s College Orchestra, with which he made his debut in the Musikverein in Vienna, and won 1st Prize in the Summa Cum Laude International Youth Music Festival 2014. An avid supporter of new music, Ho-Yin also appeared as conductor for the Center for New Music at the University of Iowa. His professional engagements in 2019-2020 include conductor of Menotti's The Consul, co-presented by Arbeit Opera Theatre and University of Minnesota Opera Theatre, cover conductor of the Minnesota Orchestra, assistant conductor of Lyric Opera of the North, and subscription concert appearance with the Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra.

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