
Daniel Laverriere
(he/him) Daniel is a fourth year music education and vocal performance major at the University of Southern Maine. This spring, Daniel presented his junior recital at the University of Southern Maine, as well as the role of Papageno in Die Zauberflöte.
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Daniel Laverriere

Daniel is a fourth year music education and vocal performance major at the University of Southern Maine. This spring, he presented his junior recital at the University of Southern Maine, as well as the role of Papageno in Die Zauberflöte. Daniel has also appeared as Maximillian (Candide), Guglielmo (Cosí fan tutte), and Dr. Falke (Die Fledermaus) in USM’s Opera Workshop. He has sung with Oratorio Chorale, Opera Maine chorus, and at the Vietnam Interkultr Choral Festival with the USM Chamber Singers. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Daniel was to appear as a soloist in Craig Hella Johnson’s “Considering Matthew Shepard” with ChoralArt, and return to the Opera Maine chorus in their production of Wagner’s Der Fliegende Holländer. He is a student of Dr. Malinda Haslett.


