
Carmen Vizin-Esquivel
(She/Her/Hers) Known as a "flourishing Mezzo-Soprano" (Resonance), Carmen Vizin-Esquivel is a young Mezzo-Soprano artist from Chicago, USA. A 1st Place Winner of the Charleston International Music Competition & current Semi-Finalist of the Music Grand Prix International Competition, Carmen is currently preparing the roles of "Dido" from Purcell's "Dido & Aeneas" with the DPU Choirs & Bradamante from Händel's "Alcina" for Chicago Summer Opera.
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Carmen Vizin-Esquivel

Known as a "flourishing Mezzo-Soprano" (Resonance), Carmen Vizin-Esquivel is a young artist from Chicago, USA. Beginning her studies in Hungary, EU, Carmen has been studying under the wing of internationally-acclaimed Hungarian Mezzo-Soprano Viktoria Vizin, Ph.D. As a young Mezzo-Soprano, Carmen has been a featured soloist, supporting role and children's actress in numerous classical/opera shows. She was most recently a featured soloist at a Wagner Society of Chicago-hosted concert, as well as Anima from a virtual production of Hildegard Von Bingen's "Ordo Virtutum" with the DePaul University Chamber Choir and Hänsel No. 2 from a spin-off production of Humperdinck's "Hänsel und Gretel"; she was also a recent 1st Place Winner of the Charleston International Music Competition Voice category. The current Music International Grand Prix Competition semi-finalist is currently preparing the roles of Dido from Purcell's "Dido & Aeneas" for a virtual production with the DePaul University Choirs, as well as Bradamante for a Chicago Summer Opera production of Händel's "Alcina". Carmen is also debuting as a featured soloist this early-spring with an upcoming, virtual concert hosted by the Wagner Society of Chicago.

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