
Caitlin Wood
(she/her) Alberta‐born soprano Caitlin Wood was “absolutely vibrant” and showed “great comic flair” in her debut as Susanna in Vancouver Opera Festival’s The Marriage of Figaro. Caitlin portrayed Ava in City Opera Vancouver’s 2017 world premiere of Marie Clements/Brian Current’s powerful opera Missing, showing “exquisite vulnerability."
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Kathy Domoney

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Kathy Domoney
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Caitlin Wood

Caitlin begins this season in Pacific Opera Victoria’s Il Trittico and reprises the role of Ava in the company’s touring pro‐ duction of Missing. Upcoming performances for Caitlin include Susanna in Le Nozze di Figaro and Cunegonde in Bernstein’s Candide, both with Edmonton Opera, as well as “Topsy‐Turvy”, a concert of Gilbert and Sullivan favourites with Chorus Niagara and Niagara Symphony. Mark Morris called Caitlin’s recent Comtesse Adele “the standout performance of the evening” in Edmonton Opera’s Le Comte Ory, and as Adele in Toronto Operetta Theatre’s Die Fledermaus, Paula Citron praised her “charming stage presence”. Recent concert performances for Caitlin include Vancouver Bach Choir/Vancouver Opera Festival’s premiere of Brian Current’s The River of Light, Carmina Burana with Ottawa Choral Society, and Mozart’s Requiem with Windsor Symphony Orchestra. Caitlin received her Masters of Music in Opera Performance from University of Toronto, and gained attention as Joanna in Sweeney Todd while a member of Vancouver Opera’s Yulanda M. Faris Young Artist Program."

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