Keith Chambers

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Keith Chambers
Keith Chambers
Keith Chambers
Keith Chambers

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Keith Chambers
Keith Chambers
Keith Chambers
Keith Chambers


Keith brings wisdom from decades as a conductor, opera coach, artistic director, pianist, and more. He offers insight into each voice’s ideal repertoire, as well as a unique perspective on where they would best fit into the American opera industry.
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Keith Chambers

Keith Chambers has conducted over 150 performances of 45 different operas for companies including The Dallas Opera, Indianapolis Opera, Shreveport Opera, Asheville Lyric Opera, Opera Ithaca, New Amsterdam Opera, Amarillo Opera, and First Coast Opera, among others. He has served as Cover and/or Assistant Conductor for over 40 different operas and has assisted noted conductors Emmanuel Villaume, Patrick Summers, Willie Anthony Waters, and Riccardo Frizza, among others. He is currently the Principal Guest Conductor of Manhattan Opera Studio and the Founder & Artistic Director of New Amsterdam Opera. A strong relationship with The Dallas Opera has provided Mr. Chambers with the opportunity to conduct The Dallas Opera Family Concerts and student performances of THE ELIXIR OF LOVE. He recently led UN GIORNO DI REGNO for the Seattle Opera Young Artist Program and has conducted for Amarillo Opera (TOSCA), Asheville Lyric Opera (ROMÉO ET JULIETTE), Manhattan Opera Studio (RADAMISTO, HÄNSEL UND GRETEL, DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE, and LE NOZZE DI FIGARO), Indianapolis Opera (SOUTH PACIFIC), Shreveport Opera (LA BOHÈME), Opera Ithaca (SONG FROM THE UPROAR, HAMLET), and New Amsterdam Opera (LA FAVORITA).