
Miguel Vasquez
(He/Him/His) An active teacher and performer in the New England area, Miguel holds a MM from the New England Conservatory and a BM from Longy, where his principal teachers included Mihail Jojatu and Yeesun Kim. He has performed in several music festivals across the Americas, including Tanglewood and the Orchestra of the Americas. Currently, Miguel is a resident musician at Community MusicWorks, and a Visiting Instructor of Music at Wheaton College.
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Miguel Vasquez

Panamanian cellist Miguel has performed throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. An active performer and educator in the New England area, Miguel holds a MM from the New England Conservatory and a BM from Longy School of Music of Bard College and Emerson College, where his principal teachers included Mihail Jojatu and Yeesun Kim. Miguel has performed in several music festivals, including the Tanglewood Music Center and the Orchestra of the Americas. Currently, Miguel is a teacher and a resident musician at Community MusicWorks, and a Visiting Instructor of Music at Wheaton College.

