
Baroque Viola
Lauren Spaulding
NYC & Denver based chamber musician & violist, Lauren Spaulding, is a member of Meredith Monk’s ensemble, is a recording artist with the award winning ‘Found Objects Music’ in NYC, works often with the Colorado Symphony, and is a Festival Artist for 'Colorado MahlerFest', performing chamber concerts with Jorja Fleezanis & Parry Karp. Spaulding is an avid chamber musician and activist for 'Music for Food' with renowned Kim Kashkashian & her team.
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Lauren Spaulding

Lauren Spaulding, a Texas native, received her BM and MM in Viola performance, working under the tutelage of Professor Peter Slowik at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music and Geraldine Walther of the Takács Quartet. As a soloist, Spaulding has worked with and learned from many notable performers including Noboki Imai, Kim Kashkashian, Antoine Tamestit, Lawerence Powers, Pinchas Zukerman, and Dimitri Murrath. Additionally, Spaulding has studied chamber music under the extensive guidance of Karen Ritcher, the Takács Quartet, the Cavani Quartet, with Darrett Adkins at the Juilliard School of Music, Roger Tapping of the Juilliard String Quartet, the Jupiter String Quartet, the Ying Quartet, the Pro Arte Quartet, and Orpheus Ensemble. Spaulding is based in NYC & Denver where she is a member of Meredith Monk’s performance ensemble, a regular with the Colorado Symphony, and recording artist with award winning studios such as ‘Found Objects Music’ in NYC, and is the Principal Violist & Festival Artist for Colorado MahlerFest alongside Jorja Fleezanis, Erika Eckert, and Perry Karp. Spaulding has performed chamber music with members of the Cavani Quartet, the Tesla Quartet, the Ying Quartet, the Takács Quartet, the Pro Arte Quartet, and alongside members of the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the Minnesota Orchestra, the San Francisco Symphony, the English Symphony Orchestra, the New York Philharmonic, the Chicago Symphony, and the Cleveland Orchestra.

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