
Jazz Piano
Judy Jackson
Judy Jackson is a composer of classical electronic and acoustic music, and a computer programmer. Her electronic works use analog synthesis and computer programming to explore melody and its variations when played through different timbres.
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Judy Jackson

Judy Jackson is a composer of classical electronic and acoustic music, and a computer programmer. Her electronic works use analog synthesis and computer programming to explore melody and its variations when played through different timbres. Jackson produces her own software and synthesis tools, allowing her the ease and precision needed to create new sounds for musical expression. Her electronic music consists of both fixed media pieces and pieces for performance. Jackson’s acoustic pieces work with words, singers, and stories. These stories can be inspired by the shapes and relationships within data, or manifest as operas depicting revolution against falsely-held beliefs. Many of her pieces employ the use of graphic notation, which she sees as an efficient model to incorporate the knowledge of the performers and of the composer. Her graphic scores combine the composer’s knowledge of form and structure with the performer’s insight to their sound palette to optimize both parties’ skills. Judy received a Bachelor of Music in TIMARA [Technology in Music and Related Arts] with a minor in Music Composition, and a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (with Honors) from Oberlin College and Conservatory. Her work has been recognized by the Schubert Club of Minnesota, Third Practice Electroacoustic Music Festival, and Minnesota Public Radio. She has published research through the MCURCSM Conference. Judy has studied with Wynn-Anne Rossi, James Dillon, Lyn Goeringer, Lewis Nielsen, Peter Swendsen, Aaron Helgeson, Aurie Hsu, and Tom Lopez.