
Janna Young
(she/her/hers) Janna Young is a harpist based in Cincinnati, Ohio. She recently graduated from the University of Cincinnati's Conservatory of Music with her Bachelor of Music. She is now currently serving as the harp studio graduate assistant at the University of Cincinnati, while working on her Master of Music.
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Janna Young

Janna Young is a harpist based in Cincinnati, Ohio. She recently graduated from the University of Cincinnati's Conservatory of Music with her Bachelor of Music. She is now currently serving as the harp studio graduate assistant at the University of Cincinnati, while working on her Master of Music. Most recently, she placed second in the College Instrumental category of the Matinee Musicale's Nancy F. Walker scholarship competition. In 2019 she was the winner of the Wyoming Music club scholarship competition against all instruments. In 2018, she was the principal harpist with the Ohio Light Opera for their summer season, premiering the full light opera Clo-Clo by Franz Lehar in America for the first time. She has frequently been a part of new music works, as well as playing in concerts with the Louisville Orchestra, the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra, even having the opportunity to work with Louis Langree, the conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony. She is very grateful to her current teacher Gillian Sella of the Cincinnati Symphony for all of her wonderful opportunities.