
Valeriya Nedviga
(She/Her) Valeriya Nedviga is a second-year M.F.A. student in Scenic Design at Indiana University. She worked as a props master for Richmond Shakespeare Festival, scenic designer for Weathervane Young Artists’ Repertory theatre, and a critic in residence for BorderLight Cleveland International Theatre and Fringe Festival.
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Valeriya Nedviga

Valeriya Nedviga is a second-year M.F.A. student in Scenic Design at Indiana University. For IU theatre: More Perfect Places (stage manager), Amplified (scenic and sound designer), Bonnets: How Ladies of Good Breeding are Induced to Murder (video production specialist), The Servant of Two Masters (props master), Big Fish (props master & projection operator), jelly beans (scenic and projections designer). For Bloomington Playwrights Project: Lost Letters (stage manager). For OSU Opera and Lyric Theatre: Le Nozze di Figaro (stage manager & props master), Opera Americana (scenic designer), Candide (props master). For Opera Columbus: Madama Butterfly, Flood (assistant stage manager). For Opera Project Columbus: Rigoletto (stage manager), La cenerentola (assistant director). For Weathervane Playhouse: In the Heights, Wizard of Oz (sound designer & live mix). She worked as a props master for Richmond Shakespeare Festival, scenic designer for Weathervane Young Artists’ Repertory theatre, and a critic in residence for BorderLight Cleveland International Theatre and Fringe Festival. Valeriya had also worked as Production Assistant for the Ohio State Opera and Lyric Theatre, Production Manager for Westerville Symphony orchestra, as well as personnel manager and Librarian for McConnell Arts Center Chamber Orchestra (OH). Currently she is working for Indiana State Museum and with Indianapolis Ballet. Valeriya has a Masters in Violin Performance and String Pedagogy from the Ohio State University. Valeriya is from Togliatty, Russia.

