
Esther Schneider
(She/Her) Esther Labauvie is a French American Soprano. She graduated from Indiana University Jacobs School of Music in 2018 with a Bachelors in Vocal Performance, studying under the tutelage of Professor Carlos Montane. She is currently based in Stuttgart, Germany and studying with Soprano Melanie Diener.
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Esther Schneider

Esther Labauvie is a French American Soprano. Born just outside of Paris and raised in-between France and Florida, she is a fluent and native speaker of both French and English. She recently graduated from Indiana University Jacobs School of Music with a Bachelors in Vocal Performance, studying under the tutelage of Professor Carlos Montane. In the fall of 2017, Esther made her role debut at Indiana University as Princess Laoula in Emmanuel Chabrier’s Operetta L’Etoile under the direction of Alain Gaultier and the Baton of Maestro Marzio Conti. In the summer of 2019, Esther sang the role of Adele in Strauss’ Die Fledermaus in Weimar, Germany with the Lyric Opera Studio Weimar under the direction of Damon Nestor Ploumis and the baton of Olaf Storbeck. Esther has also been featured in orchestral concerts with the Thüringen Rudolstadt Symphoniker in the summer of 2018 under the baton of Oliver Weder. She is currently based in Stuttgart, Germany and studying with Soprano Melanie Diener.