
Jazz Piano, Jazz Violin, Piano
Elizabeth Tsung
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Elizabeth Tsung

Elizabeth Tsung has been playing the violin for over 20 years. She studied violin performance at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Right before she graduated (miraculously), she got into a car accident and injured her arm. After graduation, she took a hiatus from the violin. Following her hiatus, she started a YouTube channel but took time off again to heal. During that time she slowly immersed herself in playing piano, writing, and photography. Hearing one of her favorite pieces (Bach’s Ciaccona) after an extended period of not listening to it reignited her love for the violin again, and she picked up her violin again after five years. The Ciaccona also inspired her to start writing her own pieces. Elizabeth's first album was released in October 2020 featuring both instruments in multiple voices. Her recording of the Ciaccona was just released in February 2021.

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